Let´s talk about tea!

Let´s talk about tea!

I am completely obsessed with tea! Since my first trip to China in 2008, where I first started appreciating these amazing herbs and flowers, and got to taste some amazing flavours. I always make sure I look for tea shops and go to the tea section in every food market I go. I have been enjoying teas from all around the world and discovering new brands and blends.

This last trip to the US wasn´t any different, I always buy my favorites, and then go for something new to try new brands and flavours. My last post was about the food market called Fresh Market an amazing market which has a fabulous bakery, a wide variety of cheeses, wine and among many other things they sell great teas. I bought most of the ones here there, but also at Dean&Deluca and Teavana, a brand which has their independent stores and carry several flavours and teaware.

Follow the post below where I share with you some of my favorites teas, their benefits, and details. Enjoy!


Dragon Pearl Jasmin – Harney & Sons

This brand is an American tradition, since 1983, H&S have brought to us a variety of over 200 leaves. They offer them in different  of loose tea or sachets. I tried this Dragon pearl jasmine and it´s absolutely my favorite. As they describe on this beautiful tin, the flavour is enchanting, and it really is. As a matter of fact, it is the first time I see pearls in sachets usually pearls come in loose form.  So this is a winner altogether.

harney--sons tea-bags

Get Burning – Herb tea for metabolism – The Republic of Tea

This hot cinnamon ginger tea has a delicious scent and a very pleasant tangy sweetness and spicy taste. It is all natural and orgânic and its suppose is to increase the body´s metabolism and resistant to stress. It contains Cordyceps, a traditional medicine herb used by Chinese athletes to boost energy and endurance. I love to take it before working out, I feel motivated nd energetic but without any signs of tachycardia ou euphoria. It acts very gently, as any tea should.


Organic Marsala Chai and Blueberry Hibiscus – Rishi

Rishi was founded in 1997 in Milwaukee, the name is from Sanskrit and means “one who is a seer, sage, or seeker of truth.” The company has grown throughout the years and now offer a wide variety of teas and teaware.

These 2 flavours have the extreme opposite levels of caffeine. All of these teas have the caffeine levels written on the packaging which makes it easy for you to decide which kind to drink at your best interest.

The Blueberry Hibiscus has a complex floral accent of wild harvested schizandra berries which has a long history as a traditional East Asian tonic and anti-stress tea. (as per their label). This tea is caffeine free.

The Marsala Chai, an organic black tea with traditional chai spice, in the other hand has a high level of caffeine. It also brings cardamom one of the world´s rarest spices and its known for stimulating circulation and calming digestion. I love to enjoy this tea after a meal, it´s soothing and uplifting.



Jasmin pearls – Rishi

Another Rishi´s amazing tea is the jasmine pearls, artisanal and floral, in loose form. Originally from the regions of Yunnan and Fuijan in china, it is a green tea with a medium level of caffeine and a rich and pleasant sweet taste. I recommend to enjoy it in the afternoons, accompanied by macaroons or any other sweet that pleases you.


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Get Lean – Get burning – Get lost – The Republic of Tea

This little combo is pretty awesome. You get 14 bags in each can, each with different properties and all very delicious and effective.

Get Lean is an organic green tea which energizes the body and keeps the mind alert. It also has dandelion root and chickweed which helps to reduce the excess water weight (all displayed in the packaging). Love taking this one after breakfast in the morning.

Get Burning is the same as the one above, it is a spicy blend which is supposed to increase the body´s metabolism and resistance to stress. The Chinese medicinal herb called Cordyceps boosts energy and endurance. I like taking it before my workout routine.

Get Lost its a blend of organic red rooibos with banaba, carob and gymnema leaves and cinnamon which is suppose to help control cravings for sweets. I recommend this after a meal so you don’t indulge with a heavy dessert.


Apricot Amaretto – Tea Forté

This tea was an incredible surprise, it is probably one of the most delicious teas I have ever tasted. It comes in loose form and it is caffeine free. Perfect for after dinner, as a healthy aperitif since the hint of the Amaretto resembles that of the Liquor, and it won’t disturb your sleep.

The herbal infusion with notes of almond, apricot and peach, promotes mind relaxation and soothes the spirit.


Organic spring jasmine – Mighty Leaf

This is a Chinese green tea with Arabian jasmine blossom scent in artisan whole leaf pouches, lightly caffeinated. The company was founded in 1996 in San Francisco, California. They take pride in their  brands´ unique artisan pouches which infuse teas gently and effectively.

Perfect for any time of the day.


Organic Spicy ginger – Tazo

A light and tasty infusion of ginger, green rooibos, citrus, chamomile and licorice root. Its the kind of tea everyone likes, it is smooth and carries a special spiciness from the ginger.


Get some zzz´s – The Republic of Tea

This tea is the best way you can start your bedtime! It is so soothing and relaxing. A special handpicked blend of organic rooibos, chamomile, passionflower and vallerian. It is by far the best herbal potion to promote a restful night and without the morning “hangover” you get when taking sleep-aids.


I hope you find these teas as delicious and special as I do. Enjoy and be healthy!

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Por muitos anos eu venho querendo meu espaço por aqui e um meio de dividir muita coisa que vejo de lindo e de como posso ajudar as pessoas a viverem melhor ou pelo menos prestar mais atenção ao belo, viver mais saudável e mais feliz, e naturalmente só atrair pessoas boas e contentes. Aquelas que te levantam e aumentam o astral.

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Alessandra Marzano

Vou falar de vários assuntos diferentes já que é muito difícil somente prestar atenção em uma única coisa. O mundo é tão vasto e a vida muito curta; todos os dias me surpreendo e me emociono com nosso planeta. O foco será sempre no bom, no positivo, no produtivo e no feliz.
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