Backpacks and more backpacks, the fever of the moment

Backpacks and more backpacks, the fever of the moment

It is a thing of the past that backpacks were only used to carry school supplies, and were made with heavy materials and not so fashionable bulky styles. They were majorly produced for children, usually designed with cartoon drawings and shapes. The backpacks were mostly used at school by children and adolescents.

Today that scenario has changed. These versatile bags have gained their place in the fashion world and are now here to stay. The backpacks are part of the biggest names in international fashion´s collections, each more stylish than the other, for both men and women. Backpacks are now carefully designed, mostly hand-made with fancy fabrics and high-quality materials.

I have always been a backpack fan, I used to use them only to specific places, such as, amusement parks or for hiking and cycling. But even before this trend arrived at stores, I started using daily to all sorts of places, it’s so nice to go shopping or go to the movies or any other type of activity and not have to carry a bag on your shoulders. The hands are always free and the weight well-distributed.

On this latest fashion research trip to Miami, I saw these beauties everywhere, being marketed in all kinds of sizes, shapes and colors. Enjoy below a few designs that caught my attention. I hope you enjoy them and try to use a backpack on your daily basis errands. They are comfortable, liberating and certainly super in fashion!

The highlight photo backpack is from the fashion house –  Gucci for men – gorgeous floral, super fun!

Fendi was a brand who bet on the very creative looks, using cartoons and nature as inspiration in these fun pieces with outstanding high quality. A luxury!!!


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MCM, the old-school German brand, which since its re-launch in 2006, have been dominating the bags and backpacks industry, offers colorful and strong punk rock styles always displaying its famous hologram.

backpack-mcm-red mochila-mcm-prata backpack-mcm

The English brand, Ted Baker also launched men´s styles, very classic and elegant.


And last but not least, lots of stars and zippers from one of my favorite designers – Marc Jacobs, simply gorgeous!


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Por muitos anos eu venho querendo meu espaço por aqui e um meio de dividir muita coisa que vejo de lindo e de como posso ajudar as pessoas a viverem melhor ou pelo menos prestar mais atenção ao belo, viver mais saudável e mais feliz, e naturalmente só atrair pessoas boas e contentes. Aquelas que te levantam e aumentam o astral.

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Alessandra Marzano

Vou falar de vários assuntos diferentes já que é muito difícil somente prestar atenção em uma única coisa. O mundo é tão vasto e a vida muito curta; todos os dias me surpreendo e me emociono com nosso planeta. O foco será sempre no bom, no positivo, no produtivo e no feliz.
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