I am absolutely in love with knowledge. As I quote from the “Wall Street” movie with Michael Douglas
And so I keep learning. I chose to do a course which covers every aspect to protect my idea. This is the first time I am announcing it publicly since, thanks to God and the Universe, my business is well underway. I recently invented a product, an accessory to be more precise, which will aid people in a specific way while also becoming an everyday delightful fashion choice. I am developing, prototyping and manufacturing and soon will launch a Kickstarter video to display it to the world.
But first, it was a must to learn more and understand about how to protect my idea so I can have the time and space I need in order to make my product known by me, under my brand, and not by other companies already with a sale front and use it deliberately.
It was with great thanks to an incredible person´s recommendation that I had the pleasure to take the online course at WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization. It helped me take the decision to patent the utility of my accessory, together with designs, and trademark the name and logo.
The name I created, and am obsessed with ever since, and trademark it will be the first step. I have a very specific and well-thought plan to build a worldwide known and respected brand. The name is extremely important as it can become a major asset. Think the Coca-Cola brand – it is worth Billions. Everything takes time and money and I knew very little about it, this course helped me evaluate all my options and wisely choose the right blend of attorneys. Registering on your own is very risky and it can take even longer extending the file requests and therefore increase the fees.
The most interesting and relevant modules for me was the ones targeting, Trademark, Patents and Design in an international level. The world is still very much different and apart when it comes to the WIPO. Each country has their very specific set of laws and rules, but by learning how to protect yourself and the order in which things and processes need to be followed, it can all be achieved.
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I chose to do one for the United States and on in Brazil. But they both share valuable information on an International Level. There are Treaties such as the PCT, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, which helps to combine one international patent application but it is still necessary to apply in each country individually.
Totally recommend these courses if you are more interested in knowing how to preserve and secure your idea, your invention and your brand. Go to the website and sign up for one of their several online courses.
Here is the breakdown of the one for the United States:
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